This comedy is made as Christmas fairy tale. On the eve of Christmas Bill Firpo (Nicolas Cage) with two brothers who have just left prison, the full idiots, one of which kleptomaniac, plunder bank in small town under the name "Paradise", where they have arrived to persuade certain Sarah Collins (Mädchen Amick) to come to see in the conclusion of the father with which they together sat. Bank they, despite hilarious misadventures full of idiocy, all the same have plundered, but it has then appeared, what is it there was small, private bank in which improbably kind and sympathetic local held all savings. After that at them the car has turned over and they have again appeared in Paradise, to leave from which it any more it was not possible. And on them has already developed large-scale hunting of FBI which employees on idiocy a little than conceded to our unfortunate heroes. The ending corresponds to the best traditions of genre.
Directed, Written and Produced by George Gallo,
Starring : Nicolas Cage, Jon Lovitz, Dana Carvey;
Music by Robert Folk, Cinematography Jack N. Green,
Editing by Terry Rawlings, Distributed by 20th Century Fox,
Release date :December 2, 1994
Trapped in Paradise - Nicolas Cage
a few funny scenes with Nicolas Cage from the film Trapped in Paradise (1994)